Archive for December, 2009

Alan & Donna’s new web page

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009


Please enjoy looking over the photos on this site. Notice the various types of edge stamping, holster and belt designs so you have an idea if what you might want when you call. You may �click� on any photo to view an enlarged photo. Our special focus is on clean neat even stitching and smooth finished edges. You can call and leave a message any time, but we are available most evenings. Saturday we will be in the shop working on your holster and gun belt. We believe in the personal touch and will enjoy discussing any new project or design with you. If we have not made it before we will make it anyway. I�ve lost count, but I know we have over 150 different patterns for the Old West gear we make and are adding new ones each week. I hope you will enjoy owning one of these contemporary originals as much as we do making them. If your order is other than what we have in stock, then it will be a special order. Please allow 18 weeks for assembly and delivery for these custom orders.